Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Bank of Queensland

Bank of Queensland Class Action Lawsuit
Investors numbering 120 individuals filed for a class action lawsuit against the Bank of Queensland amidst failed investments with Storm Financial Company.

Investors borrowed money from different banks including BoQ and invested those funds using financial advices from Storm Financial. The investments failed when the stockmarket plunged during the global financial crisis. Image courtesy of

The class action suit is lead by Brisbane based Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Janis Lee. They borrowed $411,000 from BoQ, $300,000 of which went to investment with Storm Financial. The couple owned properties amounting to $450,000 and $157,433 in superannuation. Robert Lee was working as a bricklayer but his job was hampered when he had a knee replacement surgery. They considered capital investment as a steady income stream. For which they borrowed money from BoQ and invested it to Storm.

The couple’s claim argues that:
 if the Lees' investment did not increase in value or if there was a significant sharemarket downturn, the couple had no way of avoiding default and risked losing their property.

The claim also argues that BoQ breached the Banking Code, because the bank allegedly failed to know that there was a significant risk of loss, and they failed to consider the couple’s reason for borrowing money with them.

BoQ is also accused of not interviewing the Lees before lending the money. The bank is also charged of alleged ties with Storm Financial because they gave Storm Clients with high priority and charged a lower interest rate on their loans.

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