Fire Accident Lawsuit - Definition and Application

fire accident lawsuit compensationFires kill more Americans than deaths resulting from natural disasters (USFA report in 2008). Fire accidents can lead to property damage and personal injury. Each year, fire accidents claim billions of dollars from property damage and injure thousands of individuals.

Whether accidentally or intentionally set, fires caused by negligent acts can be sued under the law. An individual can file for a fire lawsuit if he/she lost property or received injury as a result of a fire caused by acts of negligence from other property owners, business owners, companies, maintenance crews, or product manufacturers.

Anatomy of a Fire

According to the US Fire Administration (USFA), in year 2008, more than 16,000 Americans suffered injury because of fire accidents, and more than 3,300 resulted to death. Property damage was approximately at $15.5 billion.
Fires are caused by many different ways. Most fires are accidents, and some are intentionally set. Below are some examples of incidents that can result to fires.

  • Faulty and Old Electrical Wiring
  • Properties Under Construction, Maintenance, or Repair
  • Faulty Christmas Lights
  • Cooking and Kitchen Fires
  • Defective Products
  • Cigarette Sticks
  • Chemical Spills
  • Lightning
  • Bush Fires

Bearing these incidents in mind, it is important to implement fire safety steps to prevent fires in your home or workplace.

Fire Accident Lawsuit and Settlement

Some fires are caused by negligent acts. An individual can sue a person or organization responsible for the fire. In the case of product malfunction, a manufacturer is held liable in products that are defective and caused fire.

A person who received damage or injury can file for a personal injury lawsuit. It is best to refer to a personal injury lawyer who will evaluate your case and see if you qualify for compensation.

The plaintiff must prove that the injury he/she received resulted from a fire caused by a negligent act of an individual or organization.

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One Response to Fire Accident Lawsuit - Definition and Application

  1. Most of the accidents happen at workplaces and sometimes it is miss-happening but, other times the accidents and injuries are a result of the negligence or carelessness of the employer at workplace. In case an employee gets injured at workplace due to fire or any other reason than he can make a compensation claim if he was not responsible for the accident.
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