Archive for August 2012

Class Action Lawsuit - Settlements and Lawyers

Class Action or Class Suit is a form of lawsuit in which a group of people file a lawsuit case in court against a class of defendants. This type of lawsuit is a collective lawsuit that originated in the United States and is still prevalent in the country. Under the US law, class action lawsuit are governed the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 23 and 28.

In order to file a class action lawsuit, a group of individuals or business entities must suffer damage or injury. Most of the class action lawsuits filed are because of defective products and misleading policies.

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Lawsuit Loans and Settlements Advanced Funding

Lawsuit Loans, or much commonly called as Legal Financing, is a process in which plaintiffs and law firms seek financial assistance in filing their litigation or lawsuit complaint through third party funding companies. The funding companies provide financial aid on legal costs in exchange for a percentage or share of the settlement or judgement. The company usually lend money to those cases with high merits or have high chance of winning the case.

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Denied Disability Insurance Lawsuit - Definition and Disability Attorneys

Denied Disability Insurance Lawsuit
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Disability Insurance, or sometimes called DI, is a form of insurance where the beneficiary's earned income is insured against the risk of disability. An example is when a person is physically or psychologically injured that cause disability and impairment to do work.

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Defective Product Lawsuit and Defective Product Attorney

Defective Products can cause damage or injury to a person using it. A product is considered defective when it  did not work properly and wrong labeling that results to injury. Product manufacturers and others who are involved in it's sales, and distribution can be held liable for any damage or injury a defective product has caused. Consumers are protected against defective products under the Product Liability Law. Defective products include electronic devices, toys, drugs and medical tools, household products, motorized vehicles, and a lot more.

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Accounting Malpractice Lawsuit and Malpractice Lawyers

Accountancy, a thousand years old subject, is the process of communicating financial information about a business entity to users such as shareholders and managers. Accounting is sometimes called as "the language of business" because it is serves as the vehicle for reporting financial information about a business entity to many different groups of people.

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Steps and Process on Filing a Lawsuit

There are typically 5 steps to file a lawsuit in a federal court.

Step Number one

The first step is the application of the complaint by the plaintiff to the local court. As the matter becomes a lawsuit, the process is now called as a litigation. The complaint that is filed by the plaintiff is then served to the defendant.

Step Number Two

The next step of the lawsuit process is that the defendant is given a specified time to answer the complaint,by filing a reply in court. An answer that is filed is a document that must respond to the specific allegations contained in the complaint. The document must also be filed under the same court where the complaint has been filed.

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Lawsuit Definition - Different Types of Lawsuit and Information

A lawsuit is a civil legal action brought in a court of law in which a plaintiff or the person suing or filing the lawsuit claims to have incurred loss and demands property, money or equal remedy against the actions of the defendant. The defendant is required to respond and comply to the suers complaint. A lawsuit can also be used to prevent or compel an act. Lawsuits may also refer to criminal actions, criminal claims, or criminal proceedings.

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