Defective Product Lawsuit and Defective Product Attorney

Defective Products can cause damage or injury to a person using it. A product is considered defective when it  did not work properly and wrong labeling that results to injury. Product manufacturers and others who are involved in it's sales, and distribution can be held liable for any damage or injury a defective product has caused. Consumers are protected against defective products under the Product Liability Law. Defective products include electronic devices, toys, drugs and medical tools, household products, motorized vehicles, and a lot more.

Examples of Defective Products

  • Motorized Vehicles are considered as defective when they cause harm, injury, damage, and death to a passenger or rider. Mostly, these defective products are caused by faulty and negligent manufacturing. break failure, seatbelt failure, door failure , airbag failure, and etc. are all examples of defective motorized vehicles.
  • Drugs and Medical Devices are the one of the common products that cause injury and even death to a consumer. These include improper labeling leading to damage or injury and faulty manufacturing of the drug or device.
Products that cause damage to property can also be held liable. Examples include fire damage, flooding, and pipe leakage.

The primary federal arm that protects consumers against defective products is The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission or the CPSC.

Defective Product Lawsuit

A consumer can file a lawsuit if he/she was injured because of a defective product. The following are the three legal means for a product liability against the product manufacturer or distributor.
  • False Advertising
  • Negligence
  • Breach of Warranty
If you want to file a defective product lawsuit then you must refer with a product liability lawyer  because they are the specialist with this type of case.

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