Lawsuit Definition - Different Types of Lawsuit and Information

A lawsuit is a civil legal action brought in a court of law in which a plaintiff or the person suing or filing the lawsuit claims to have incurred loss and demands property, money or equal remedy against the actions of the defendant. The defendant is required to respond and comply to the suers complaint. A lawsuit can also be used to prevent or compel an act. Lawsuits may also refer to criminal actions, criminal claims, or criminal proceedings.

Types of Lawsuit 

There are generally four types of lawsuit. These are negligence or tort, breach of contract, family division, and private nuisances.

Negligence or Tort

Negligence or Tort is a legal term that refers to loss, injury, damage or any wrong civil act done negligently, intentionally or under absolute conditions of strict liability. Tort lawsuits mostly include loss, damage, or injury resulting from defective products, negligence, medical malpractice, automobile accidents, elevator or escalator injuries, slip and fall incident, job injuries, and medical poisoning.

Breach of Contract

This lawsuit involves any breach of contract committed  by an individual or company. Typical examples are consumer or customer filing a sue against a vendor or supplier for defective products or goods, or an action filed by a client against a service provider who failed to do the terms of his job or role stated on the contract signed by both parties. Demands for damages or loss brought about by a party because not fulfilling the terms in the contract also falls under this lawsuit category.

Family Division

Family division lawsuits concerns instances like divorce or any thing that involves custody and support. This lawsuit aims to settle disputes over issues like child support, guardianship, visitation rights, and other issues concerning families.

Private Nuisances

A person can sue or file a private nuisance lawsuit when an interference occured in one's personal estate. Interference comes in the form of unhealthy smell or hazards that cross over estate boundaries, neighborhood noise, and any civil action resulting to nuisance in one individuals estate. Typical cases of private nuisance lawsuit includes incessant barking of dogs, neighbor misconduct, and garbage heap in one's yard. However, nuisance lawsuit actions cannot refer to only single or isolated incidents because the cause of the complaint must be continuous.

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