Archive for December 2012

Bayer Combination Aspirin Products Litigation Settlement

Bayer Combination Aspirin Products Litigation SettlementGood news for people in the United States, you can be eligible for a financial compensation if you bought Bayer® Women’s Low-Dose Aspirin plus Calcium or Bayer® Aspirin with Heart Advantage. This is related to a lawsuit settlement regarding Bayer Heart Advantage Class or the Bayer Women’s Class cases. There are restrictions on the persons eligible to receive compensation, the following specifications must be considered before receiving financial compensation from the settlement case. Image courtesy of

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Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Bank of Queensland

Bank of Queensland Class Action Lawsuit
Investors numbering 120 individuals filed for a class action lawsuit against the Bank of Queensland amidst failed investments with Storm Financial Company.

Investors borrowed money from different banks including BoQ and invested those funds using financial advices from Storm Financial. The investments failed when the stockmarket plunged during the global financial crisis. Image courtesy of

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