Civil Litigation definition and Civil Litigation Lawyers

Civil Litigation is a legal dispute, being resolved on a court of law,  that seek settlement or money damage rather than criminal sanctions. Civil Litigation include matters about marriage, divorce, contract dispute, environmental law, personal injury, and so many more. Civil Litigation is observed under the Civil Law that is made by the legislators.

The Process of Civil Litigation

The time it takes for a civil litigation case to finish and get results depends on the type of case being filed. Some cases can range to several months or may take up a year. Complex cases may even reach several years.

There are seven stages in the process of Civil Litigation. The following are the seven stages arranged from the first or start:

  • Investigation
  • Pleadings
  • Discovery
  • Pre-trial
  • Trial
  • Settlement
  • Appeal
Contrary to popular belief, civil litigators consume less time in the trials and most time and effort is devoted to the discovery stage.

Civil Litigation Lawyers

Civil Litigation Lawyers are much commonly known as "trial lawyers" or "litigators" and specialize on civil lawsuit related cases. They represent parties on the legal process concerning civil litigation.

And because civil litigation has a broad range of disputes, a civil litigator must be adept in mastering the different areas of dispute.

Such disputes include the following:
  • Personal Injury
  • Anti-Trust
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Product Liability
  • Real Estate
  • Employment and Labor Law
Civil litigation attorneys are also one of the most controversial legal jobs because civil litigation is a very adversarial process. This means that civil litigation attorneys must be willing to assume opposition roles and accept conflicts and controversies.

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